The courses have been structured from start to finish with you in mind. The knowledge gained assures that when you complete your training, you will leave with the specialist skills that guarantee you will feel confident to perform the microblading procedure, reassured in your choice of the academy and with a qualification that is renowned and acknowledged by your future clients.
Each student attends the 1-2 days of hands-on training class. After attending the live class, our students have access to our online courses for 6 months. Our online courses are designed in a way that helps our students’ progress in their ability, knowledge and drawing skills. Students can be in constant contact with our trainers that help them achieve the best possible results in their work and maximum satisfaction from their customers.
Our courses are of the highest quality, and satisfied students are proof of our professional and quality work. All Elite Microblading Academy courses are fully accredited and approved by ABT (Associated Beauty Therapists) and The Guild in the UK. We meet requirements of the Society of Permanent Cosmetics Professionals and the American Academy of Micro-pigmentation.
Elite Beauty Academy is a semi-permanent makeup academy. It was founded by Bojan Joncic and Maja Lipovec, who are specialized in drawing eyebrows according to the Microblading method.
Our courses are held all across the world. They are held by master trainers, who are specialized to help our students learn how to do microblading easier and better. They follow and introduce the latest trends in the field of eyebrow embroidery and so form a coherent team that ensures the best possible results.we share information selflessly and to take care that our students truly learn everything important. Our students are one of the most successful and wanted microblading artists in the world.
Our goal is to share information selflessly and to take care that our students truly learn everything important about carrying out the method in a proper way.
Classes are held in small groups, so we can dedicate ourselves to each participant in the most individual
way possible.
We stock all the best products for providing the most successful microblading procedures. Our products are the best extension of your acquired skills so you can confidently deliver your best work to your clients.